About Gateway city

Covering a total area of over 6,500 rais (approximately 2,600 acres or 10.4 million square meters), Gateway City offers many advantages and privileges attracting a variety of major international manufacturers from various industries such as automobile manufacturers (e.g., Toyota, Isuzu), auto-parts suppliers, electronics companies, furniture, food processing manufacturers, etc.
As an Industrial Estate developed as a joint cooperation between the Industrial Estate Authority of Thailand (IEAT) of Thai Government and MDX Public Co., Ltd., Gateway City offers the following special advantages:
The IEAT office offers speedy, simplified and round-the-clock services including industrial’s permits approval and custom clearance
Foreign investors can own 100% of freehold land title deed of Gateway City.
Investors can bring in more foreign skilled workers than otherwise allows by immigration laws.
Investors in the “Free Zone” of Gateway City are exempted from import and export duties as well as other special fees and related taxes.